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New Year Greetings

January 2019
Hisashi Furuichi
President and C.E.O.

Happy New Year. We would like to wish all our stakeholders a happy and healthy New Year. Last year was marked by significant storms and typhoons due to great global warming and that caused significant damage.

This year marks the 5th year since we moved our headquarters and factory to Awaji Island, and thanks to the many efforts of our stakeholders, we continue to be blessed with robust business opportunities which have kept us busy this past year. We are very sorry to say that we have not been able to deliver to our customers according to their requested deadlines, so to improve this situation, we began plans last spring in expand the plant to meet the increased demand with construction starting at the end of last November. The completion is planned for May. I am confident that the new plant, which will be 1,200 m2 and be free of support posts in the middle area, will drastically increase efficiency.

April 30 of this year also marks the end of the Heisei area, and a transition to the new era. In October, an increase in consumption tax and the an impending increase in the trade deficit due to US President Trump’s trade policies, both of which are contributing to uncertainity in the coming year. However, going forward, we have the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 and the Osaka Exposition in 2025 to look forward to. The proverb, “In seven generations, the wild boar became the pig,” reminds us that we continue to change and evolve as a company. The theme of midterm business plan, WEAVE, which began last April, is to “weave” together and integrate our departmental organizations, making them stronger together and more cohesive.

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